The story behind...
Gindome's Old Tom gin pays homage to gin's history, inspired by the "gin craze" era. As gin gained popularity, heavy taxation by the British government drove the industry underground. To signify where gin was still available, establishments displayed black wooden cats called Old Toms, with a discreet money slot under their paw. Patrons would slide cash down the slot for a shot of gin. Gindome's Old Tom preserves this historical essence, offering a blend of tradition and innovation in every sip.
Perfect for cocktails
Award winning
The story behind ...
Gindome's Old Tom pays homage to gin history and is inspired by the period referred to as the gin craze. At this time gin got so popular that The British government attempted to curb gins rampant sale by heavily taxing it. This drove the gin industry underground away from the prying eyes of the law. In order to let gin-lovers, know where they could get their hands on some gin, black wooden cats, known as Old Toms, were mounted on the outside walls of the establishments still selling gin. Under the paw of the cat was a money slot that people would use to shoot their cash down in a lead tube and in return, a shot of gin was poured by the bartender.
Perfect for cocktails
Award winning
This is the inspiration to Gindomes Old Tom,which is built on a solid Gindome foundation with quality botanicals.
Angelica root
Coriander seed
Orris root
Liquorice root
Rose peel
Sloe berries
Star Anise
How to drink Old Tom
This gin is made using the same process as a London Dry, but with a unique twist. Unlike other Old Toms, Gindome's version contains no added sugar. Instead, the sweetness comes from the use of almonds, which also lend a smooth and soft texture to the gin. This gin is perfect for those who want a sweeter profile without the added sugar.Try Gindome Old Tom Gin for yourself and experience the taste of history with a modern twistOld Tom is 43% vol and comes in 500ml bottles.
Apple Tom
- 40ml Old Tom Gin
- 20ml Lemon citrus
- 10-20ml Green apple syrup
- 40ml Apple juice
- Top it with Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic
- Garnish with Thyme and slices of Green apple
This is the inspiration to Gindomes Old Tom,
which is built on a solid Gindome foundation with quality botanicals.
Angelica root
Coriander seed
Orris root
Liquorice root
Rose peel
Sloe berries
Star Anise
Angelica root
Coriander seed
Orris root
Liquorice root
Rose peel
Sloe berries
How to drink Old Tom
Crafted with the traditional London Dry process, Gindome's Old Tom Gin stands out with its distinctive touch. Unlike conventional Old Toms, Gindome's rendition boasts a sugar-free formula. Instead, the delicate sweetness arises from the infusion of almonds, imparting not just flavor but also a velvety texture to the gin. Ideal for aficionados seeking a sweeter profile without artificial additives, Gindome Old Tom Gin offers a refined taste experience. Indulge in a sip of history with a contemporary twist by trying Gindome Old Tom Gin today. With an alcohol content of 43% vol and packaged in 500ml bottles, it's a testament to craftsmanship and innovation in every pour.
Apple Tom
- 40ml Old Tom Gin
- 20ml Lemon citrus
- 10-20ml Green apple syrup
- 40ml Apple juice
- Top it with Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic
- Garnish with Thyme and slices of Green apple
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