The story behind...
Embark on a thrilling journey of flavor with Gindome Viking Dry gin! Delve into the captivating saga of the Estonian Vikings, once buried in obscurity until the discovery of two ancient Viking ships in Salme, Saaremaa. These remarkable findings reshaped our understanding of Viking history, illuminating their extensive legacy across the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. Crowned with a prestigious gold medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2022, this gin is a treasure trove of adventure for the bold and daring souls who seek the extraordinary in every sip.
Perfect for cocktails
Award winning
The story behind ...
Experience the taste of adventure with Gindome Viking Dry gin! This gin draws inspiration from the fascinating story of the Estonian Vikings, which until recently was an almost unknown chapter in history. A decade ago, two Viking ships were discovered in Salme on the island of Saaremaa. After further research these findings shattered the notion that Viking culture was confined solely to Scandinavia, revealing its far-reaching influence along the Baltic Sea's eastern shores.This gold medalist from San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2022 is a gin that's perfect for the adventurous at heart.
Perfect for cocktails
Award winning
Angelica root
Coriander seed
Lemon peel
Orris root
Grains of Paradise
Liquorice root
Rowan berries
How to drink Viking Dry
Viking Dry is a tough, curious and powerful gin. With a bold aroma and smooth taste, it's perfect for any drink. Whether you're looking for a classic gin and tonic or want to experiment with your own unique cocktail creations, Gindome Viking Dry gin won't disappoint. This gin is made for explorers and epic tales, and it's sure to add a touch of excitement to any occasion. Viking Dry is 47% vol and comes in 500ml bottles.
Viking Gin & Tonic
- 40ml Viking Dry Gin
- 10ml Line citrus
- Top it up with Fever Tree Indian Tonic
- Garnish with Rosmarine and Juniper berries
This is the inspiration to Gindomes beautiful red gin,
which is built on a solid Gindome foundation with mediterranian botanicals.
Angelica root
Coriander seed
Lemon peel
Orris root
Grains of Paradise
Liquorice root
Rowan berries
How to drink Viking Dry
Experience the invigorating essence of Viking Dry gin—a spirited blend of strength, curiosity, and potency. Its robust aroma and velvety palate make it an ideal companion for any libation. Whether you crave the timeless allure of a classic gin and tonic or yearn to craft your own signature cocktails, Gindome Viking Dry gin promises an exhilarating journey for your taste buds. Crafted for adventurers and tales of grandeur, every sip is an ode to exploration and discovery, igniting excitement in every setting. Embrace the allure of Viking Dry, boasting a formidable 47% volume and housed in elegant 500ml bottles, ready to embark on your next epic adventure.
Viking Gin & Tonic
- 40ml Viking Dry Gin
- 10ml Line citrus
- Top it up with Fever Tree Indian Tonic
- Garnish with Rosmarine and Juniper berries
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